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Nicholas Ang

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

It isn't the bucket either. One good news is that more people are now surviving cancer. The other good news is that life expectancy has increased from 75 to more than age 80. But hold that thought for a moment - it's only good news if one is financially prepared to survive such a critical challenge.

55% of people withdrew from their savings to fund treatment

Here's some insightful and interesting statistics about cancer survivers, driving home one point - we can even be wrong about being prepared.

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Understanding the cost relating to cancer care

It is important to think about the different types of costs related to your cancer care. This will help you decide what kind of budgeting, support, or financial assistance you may need.

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The effect of exercise on Cancer

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I hope you have enjoyed this issue of my InTouch newsletter. Do feel free to contact me if I can be of service to you and your friends
Nicholas Ang
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Rachel, Teacher

I feel assured to have someone who is knowledgeable to call upon when I need advice. And Nicholas is high on my list. He’s consistent and reliable. Please meet him

Leron (Project Lead)

What makes a good financial consultant? I think it is someone who befriends you, understands and listens to you. It is not easy to trust a financial consultant especially if the comfortable level is missing. However, with Nicholas, the rapport is strong. Nicholas is not just another financial consultant, he is definitely a friend. He makes sure my financial constraints (if any) are all considered before proposing the best suited policies that will be beneficial for me. Taking account of my lifestyle and needs, he carefully picked the ones I'll feel safe to have myself covered under. These are the reasons why I know I am at ease letting him handle my future plans/policies that have yet to come. I'm entrusting my monies with a friend, not a financial consultant. Thank you Nicholas!

Shaun, Manager

Nicholas is a meticulous, honest and knowledgeable in his aspect of work. He provided professional views and pointers for me to note before deciding to take up any particular policy.


Nicholas is a knowledgeable, honest and trustworthy financial consultant. He will share a lots of good information and provide you with the best financial planning that suitable for your needs. One of the reason that I had chosen him as my financial consultant because he is not those pushy type and patient to answer all of your doubts even it does not apply to him. I am pleased to have Nicholas as my financial consultant and would definitely highly recommend him to my families and friends who require financial planning.

Kk, (engineer)

A trusted friend and a trustworthy personal financial consultant. Services are sincere, patient and yet detailed. He is consistent and reliable. Highly recommend him to my friends.


Nicholas is Trustworthy and Reliable! I am assured to refer him to you to provide financial advice on your financial portfolio. You will not regret meeting him!