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Nicholas Ang

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

From a parent to a child, between friends and professionally in the workplace - there's something special about the role of story telling. And we've a lot to learn from the world's great story tellers. Some of the best are comedians, public speakers and politicians. But there's more. I hope the following articles will help you get started in this interesting journey of learning and exploration.

The Indispensable Power of Story

Some people have a way of making the complex clear. They know who they are, why they do what they do, and where they want to go.

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The Science of Storytelling: Why Telling a Story is the Most Powerful Way to Activate Our Brains

A good story can make or break a presentation, article, or conversation. But why is that?

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Buddy Hackett/The Duck

A story with an unexpected end.

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I hope you have enjoyed this issue of my InTouch newsletter. Do feel free to contact me if I can be of service to you and your friends
Nicholas Ang
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Nicholas is my friend from my university days. Recently he helped with my financial portfolio and I've learnt a lot from him. I know he'll be an asset to you too. Will it be alright for him to contact u?

Yongshun & Sarah

Trustworthy, consistent and patient agent!

Ravi - (Bank IT Specialist)

When I first met Nic, felt as if he is known to us from a very long time and offered his expertise to get my family insured for health Coverage. Me and my family are utilising his services from the very first year of our journey in Singapore, I also loved the fact that he never threw intimidating financial jargon or painful paperwork at me. He keeps track of all the updates and modifications that policy makers/ insurance companies are making, review them thoroughly, passes the updates to their clients and guides them accordingly to navigate through those changes. He is Trustworthy and reliable, listens and understands all the requirements & goals, assist them with financial planning based on their fnancial needs, I highly advise anyone to keep Nic at the center of their financial planning. I am assured to refer Nicholas Ang to you to provide financial advice on your financial portfolio. You will not regret meeting him!


Trustworthy and Reliable! I am assured to refer Nicholas Ang to you to provide financial advice on your financial portfolio based on your finanicial needs. You will not regret meeting him!

Kk, (engineer)

A trusted friend and a trustworthy personal financial consultant. Services are sincere, patient and yet detailed. He is consistent and reliable. Highly recommend him to my friends.


Nicholas is a trustworthy financial consultant and provides top quality service. His services are sincere and you can also feel like you will know him for years the first time you meet.. although I already know him for about 20years!