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Nicholas Ang

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

We live in three distinct timeframes - the Past, the Present, and the Future. Many times, we tend to live and make decisions based on what gives us immediate gratification, and often to our detriment. Despite not knowing what tomorrow will bring, planning ahead removes uncertainty and provides clarity to our lives. In this issue, I have included articles that I hope will inspire you to take actions that your future self will thank you for.

Planning Ahead Is the Key to Living With More Spontaneity

Scheduling spontaneity doesn't lessen the joy of spontaneity; it enables it. You still have the freedom to do whatever strikes you in the moment - even more so because you know that's exactly what you intended to do.

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10 Reasons To Start Christmas Planning Early

With a bit of forethought, there's no reason it needs to be quite as nerve-wracking or frustrating as often the days leading up to the holidays are. So, in case you're not entirely convinced of the benefits that early preparedness brings, let's take a look at the 10 reasons to start Christmas planning early.

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What are the chances?

We can't predict the future, but we can plan for it. But why does this even matter? Meet some ordinary people thinking about these things.

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Nicholas Ang
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Nicholas is a knowledgeable, honest and trustworthy financial consultant. He will share a lots of good information and provide you with the best financial planning that suitable for your needs. One of the reason that I had chosen him as my financial consultant because he is not those pushy type and patient to answer all of your doubts even it does not apply to him. I am pleased to have Nicholas as my financial consultant and would definitely highly recommend him to my families and friends who require financial planning.

Jimmy, Engineer

I'd like you to meet Nic. My good friend and my financial consultant. He is trustworthy and reliable!!! Keep up the good work bro!!!

Han Wei

Trusted friend since young, worth to engage him for financial planning

Richao & Lusi

l am assured to have someone who is knowledgeable, trustworthy and reliable. Not only a financial consultant, Nicholas is also a friend to call upon when I need advice. He never fail to come forward whenever we need him. Highly recommended!

Ravi - (Bank IT Specialist)

When I first met Nic, felt as if he is known to us from a very long time and offered his expertise to get my family insured for health Coverage. Me and my family are utilising his services from the very first year of our journey in Singapore, I also loved the fact that he never threw intimidating financial jargon or painful paperwork at me. He keeps track of all the updates and modifications that policy makers/ insurance companies are making, review them thoroughly, passes the updates to their clients and guides them accordingly to navigate through those changes. He is Trustworthy and reliable, listens and understands all the requirements & goals, assist them with financial planning based on their fnancial needs, I highly advise anyone to keep Nic at the center of their financial planning. I am assured to refer Nicholas Ang to you to provide financial advice on your financial portfolio. You will not regret meeting him!

Wai Tat - Regional Sales Engineer @ Alfagomma Group

Nicholas has been a friend, a brother, a reliable and trustworthy financial consultant. He is friendly, honest and definitely a committed and approachable professional! Ever since he started looking after my medical/financial portfolio; he always listen and do his best to understand my needs and wants. As we grow in age, our priority changed too. I feel that it is important to have someone you trust to manage this aspect, and Im glad to say that Nicholas is definitely the right guy. Keep up the passion and continue to do what you do best Nicholas!!