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Nicholas Ang

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

Confucius, the Chinese philosopher, left us with these words to contemplate: The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute: the man who does not ask is a fool for life. As the year winds down, it is time to reflect on some popular and widely - accepted beliefs and misconceptions that we may hold that do not serve us in achieving our goals and desires. Today, we look at debunking some of these misconceptions to expand our thinking and explore new perspectives and horizons.

6 Money Lies You Might Be Telling Yourself

Whatever your financial situation, there are money lies you should stop telling yourself because they could hold you back from financial success, happiness and peace of mind. Here are 6 money lies you should stop telling yourself and how you can change your mindset.

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The 10 Biggest Misconceptions About Life and Happiness That Are Holding You Back

Not questioning the folly of our generally-accepted conceptions about life and happiness is an act of a fool. As such, today, let’s challenge and question the 10 biggest misconceptions that are holding you back from leaping forward into the life you wish to live and the person you aim to become.

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The money talk that every couple needs to have | Your Money and Your Mind

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I seek to reach out to people who believe in safeguarding the interests of their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers.
Nicholas Ang
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Letty - (Business Owner of Dnier Spore)

Being a close friend as well a financial consultant from Prudential, I have known Nicholas for several years and he always place his clients’ well being upfront. As I am not well-versed with figures and numbers, Nicholas always explains using simple and straightforward approach that is both reassuring and detailed. Nicholas is sincere and truly listens to his clients’ needs. He advises policies that are suited to your needs instead of pushing policies that are not necessary. Hence, I have never felt pressured or treated like a “sales target”. He is well-equipped with financial planning knowledge and reply promptly whenever I am in doubt and give genuine advice even when the situation does not concern him. I am pleased to have Nicholas as my financial consultant and will recommend him wholeheartedly to anyone who needs a financial consultant.

Kc, Licensed Aircraft Engineer

Nicholas is my trusted Financial Consultant. He has helped me very much in my Financial Portfolio. I would recommend him to anyone that is keen to have a proper financial planning.


A trusted friend and personal financial consultant. Dedication to work and always ready to provide advice when in need. First to build trusted relationship through good service then to plan a financial portfolio together based on their fnancial needs,.


Nicholas is my friend from my university days. Recently he helped with my financial portfolio and I've learnt a lot from him. I know he'll be an asset to you too. Will it be alright for him to contact u?

Han Wei

Trusted friend since young, worth to engage him for financial planning

Zamir (Police Officer)

I would like to recommend my financial consultant from Prudential, who is professional in his dealing. I was introduced to Nicholas from my colleague a few years back, he too had assisted in planning his financial and from that recommendation it provides me with the assurance and trust to put into someone. Nicholas is sincere and truly listens to his clients’ needs. He advises policies that are suited to your needs. He is knowledgeable in his field and will reply promptly whenever I’m in doubt. He too updates his clients on the current situation or plans that I may have interest in. I am pleased to have Nicholas as my financial consultant and appreciate his help.