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Nicholas Ang

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

There's a man in Singapore, that every time he concludes a business deal, he would go buy a plant and plant it somewhere. It's a simple way of giving back. He was also able to disengage and be with himself while doing something meaningful, albeit how simple it was. In this issue are some more examples of such life's lesson that we can benefit from. All we need, is to just take some time, slow down and breathe in the fresh air.

Ultimate List of 50 Life Lessons You Must Learn

So much of life is wasted on worry, regret, pain, and heartache. Of course, some of this is inevitable and necessary. But I spent too many of my younger days sweating over things I didn't need to sweat about.

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5 Things That Aren’t Worth Going Into Debt For

In some cases, borrowing money helps build wealth. Most people need a mortgage to buy a home, for instance, and student loans allow many people get an education that leads to a career.

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3 Life Lessons from Funny Baby

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Nicholas Ang
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Zamir (Police Officer)

I would like to recommend my financial consultant from Prudential, who is professional in his dealing. I was introduced to Nicholas from my colleague a few years back, he too had assisted in planning his financial and from that recommendation it provides me with the assurance and trust to put into someone. Nicholas is sincere and truly listens to his clients’ needs. He advises policies that are suited to your needs. He is knowledgeable in his field and will reply promptly whenever I’m in doubt. He too updates his clients on the current situation or plans that I may have interest in. I am pleased to have Nicholas as my financial consultant and appreciate his help.

Sarah (Legal Advisor)

Nicholas is a very pleasant, reliable and professional financial consultant. At our first meeting, he provided an excellent and very thorough overview of managing finances to prepare for various stages and aspects of life. There was absolutely no pressure from him in signing up for a policy and it was I who first initiated the proposal after his helpful objective advice. He takes a genuine interest in understanding client needs and tailors his advice and proposals to best suit this, without overselling for the sake of doing so. You can be confident that Nicholas has your interests at heart and will be someone you can count on to grow with you as you move through different stages in life.

Letty - (Business Owner of Dnier Spore)

Being a close friend as well a financial consultant from Prudential, I have known Nicholas for several years and he always place his clients’ well being upfront. As I am not well-versed with figures and numbers, Nicholas always explains using simple and straightforward approach that is both reassuring and detailed. Nicholas is sincere and truly listens to his clients’ needs. He advises policies that are suited to your needs instead of pushing policies that are not necessary. Hence, I have never felt pressured or treated like a “sales target”. He is well-equipped with financial planning knowledge and reply promptly whenever I am in doubt and give genuine advice even when the situation does not concern him. I am pleased to have Nicholas as my financial consultant and will recommend him wholeheartedly to anyone who needs a financial consultant.

Leron (Project Lead)

What makes a good financial consultant? I think it is someone who befriends you, understands and listens to you. It is not easy to trust a financial consultant especially if the comfortable level is missing. However, with Nicholas, the rapport is strong. Nicholas is not just another financial consultant, he is definitely a friend. He makes sure my financial constraints (if any) are all considered before proposing the best suited policies that will be beneficial for me. Taking account of my lifestyle and needs, he carefully picked the ones I'll feel safe to have myself covered under. These are the reasons why I know I am at ease letting him handle my future plans/policies that have yet to come. I'm entrusting my monies with a friend, not a financial consultant. Thank you Nicholas!

You Ann - Manager @ Spore Art Museum

Nicholas went from a friend's friend, to my enthusiastic financial consultant and good Friend. I find him serious and reliable, often making best efforts to understand each client's needs, respond to queries and requests, and offer sound advice and recommendations. I have seen him assist on other clients' queries with the best of his abilities despite the short notice periods. Nicholas regularly updates me on useful relevant finance news, and review my needs periodically. I appreciate Nicholas' thoughtfulness in remembering and sending greetings to me on festive and special occasions. I highly recommend Nicholas Ang to as a financial consultant to anyone :)

Kk, (engineer)

A trusted friend and a trustworthy personal financial consultant. Services are sincere, patient and yet detailed. He is consistent and reliable. Highly recommend him to my friends.