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Nicholas Ang

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

Necessity is the mother of invention. Throughout history, humans have demonstrated the ability to innovate, solve problems, and create solutions in the midst of crises, resulting in some of humanity's greatest inventions. All it took was resourcefulness, action, and persistence. Through this issue, I hope to provide insights into how we can live life constructively and creatively, regardless of the challenges that we may face today.

Crisis-Driven Innovation Demands Creativity And Action Under Pressure

While all innovation requires creativity and action to deliver value, crisis-driven innovation demands creativity and action under pressure and constraints, in response to a disruptive event or trend.

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Six Technologies that Emerged (Or Became Popular) in Difficult Times

Conflicts, economic crises and pandemics were responsible for innovations such as the radio, computer and gps.

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Turning Frustration Into Innovation | Mark Shaw | TEDxKC

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I seek to reach out to people who believe in safeguarding the interests of their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers.
Nicholas Ang
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Trustworthy and Reliable! I am assured to refer Nicholas Ang to you to provide financial advice on your financial portfolio based on your fnancial needs,. You will not regret meeting him!

Nicholas Ang

I'm glad that I was able to assist and plan for this client and family. Grateful that they have given me the trust and opportunity to walk through their financial portfolio based on their financial needs.

Rachel, Teacher

I feel assured to have someone who is knowledgeable to call upon when I need advice. And Nicholas is high on my list. He’s consistent and reliable. Please meet him

Lixin (senior Engineer)

Nicholas is my friend from my university days. He helps to manage my financial portfolio and I've learnt a lot from him. I know he'll be an asset to you too.


A trusted friend and personal financial consultant. Dedication to work and always ready to provide advice when in need. First to build trusted relationship through good service then to plan a financial portfolio together based on their fnancial needs,.


Great meeting session. Very willing to share insights and provide the right fit plan. Greatly enjoyed the meeting session and look forward to more partnership with nick in the long run.