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Nicholas Ang

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

Women have long played a huge part in our society and economy. When it comes to uplifting women, the work extends beyond just international women's day or month. In fact, it requires continuous effort from not just leaders, but also every day folks like us to recognise and appreciate the great potential of women in our lives. In this issue, I'd like to share insights on how we can be enablers of women's progress while staying aware of the realities and struggles they may face. I hope this helps us in empowering the women and girls in our midst.

Women’s Voice: How to encourage female leadership in an organisation

Women may not realise how poised for success they are in leadership roles.

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7 Brave Steps to Become Fearless

Growth and comfort can’t ride the same horse. It’s a lesson that holds true for all of life. What we want most will always require embracing discomfort and taking action despite our fear that we'll fail or fall on our face. In the end, there is no substitute for courage, no shortcut to bravery. To become the person you most need to be and create the life you most yearn to live, you must be willing to do the things that scare you. Again and again and again.

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Teach girls bravery, not perfection | Reshma Saujani

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I seek to reach out to people who believe in safeguarding the interests of their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers.
Nicholas Ang
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Sarah (Legal Advisor)

Nicholas is a very pleasant, reliable and professional financial consultant. At our first meeting, he provided an excellent and very thorough overview of managing finances to prepare for various stages and aspects of life. There was absolutely no pressure from him in signing up for a policy and it was I who first initiated the proposal after his helpful objective advice. He takes a genuine interest in understanding client needs and tailors his advice and proposals to best suit this, without overselling for the sake of doing so. You can be confident that Nicholas has your interests at heart and will be someone you can count on to grow with you as you move through different stages in life.


Nicholas is my friend from my university days. Recently he helped with my financial portfolio and I've learnt a lot from him. I know he'll be an asset to you too. Will it be alright for him to contact u?

Karthi, Quality Assurance Engineer

Nicholas is a friendly and trust worthy person. I know him since 2 yrs plus, Along with way he has shared lots of good informations about financial planning and will recommend perfect plan that fits your need. He also very good in managing the portfolio and followup closely if any Changes. Besides as a financial consultant he is a very Nice person.

Yongshun & Sarah

Trustworthy, consistent and patient agent!


Nicholas is a trustworthy financial consultant and provides top quality service. His services are sincere and you can also feel like you will know him for years the first time you meet.. although I already know him for about 20years!

Dave Singh, Air Force Officer

Honest, patient, hardworking and most of all reliable. Such traits are hard to find in an insurance agent. Luckily for me, I have Nicholas Ang watching over me. If you have yet to find a trustworthy agent, look no further... keep up the excellent work, nick!!